Technical Support
Frequently Asked Questions
Got a particular question? Browse the list below of our most frequently asked questions, we should have the answer you’re looking for. If not, our friendly team are here for you.
Click here to access the Readiwriter technical hub for a full list of technical requirements and supported devices.
If you are accessing one of the 3P Learning resources and it is behaving very slowly, a good thing to check is your internet speed as this can affect how well online programs act on screen. Simply click this link to access an automated website that will show you your computer’s internet speed. (Don’t worry, it won’t access anything on your computer or make any changes, it will simply display your settings).
Click the green “Begin Test” button and the on-screen dial will test your upload speed (sending data from your computer) and download speed (receiving data to your computer). Giving your internet speed to our technical support team will help them diagnose your problem.
If you are having technical difficulties, our technical team may need to know your computer’s settings in order to best help you. Simply click this link to access an automated website that will check your system’s settings and display them on screen. (Don’t worry, it won’t access anything on your computer or make any changes, it will simply display your settings).
Once you have your system settings on screen, simply click the “Export PDF” link and send as an attachment to
Your browser will “remember” the web pages you have visited, in order give you a faster viewing experience online. Often, after an update to one of the 3P Learning platforms, you may need to clear your “cache” (your computer’s memory of websites you’ve visited) in order to load the newest version of the website. Click here to find out more about your cache and how to delete your temporary internet files.
Some elements of 3P Learning resources, for example the Interactives within Mathletics use Java – a piece of software that enables us to deliver our rich and dynamic content online. Click to visit the 3P Learning Java page for more details.
Yes, absolutely! For the best Mathletics experience, we recommend accessing via PC or MAC, noting our minimum requirements which are available here – however the platform is also available for a range of mobile devices. Click here to view a full list of compatible devices, or here for more information regarding the mobile apps available for Mathletics.
Looking for a little extra help?
No problem, we’re here for you. Our dedicated technical support team can be easily contacted by email. In addition, our global network of customer and school support teams are based around the world. Your local team is ready to help!